Animation, Art Direction, Title Design, and Compositing work for Gabriel Garzón-Montano's "Agüita" video.
Made with my pals at ArtCamp.
Directed by Art Camp
Oliver Lanzenberg : Director of Photography
Danny Flanagan : 1st AC
Nathan Stern : Steadicam Operator
Matt Knudsen : Title Design
Danny Flanagan : 1st AC
Nathan Stern : Steadicam Operator
Matt Knudsen : Title Design
Medellin Production and Styling by UnoxUno
Tatiana Echeverri : Producer & Stylist
Alejandra Laverde : Producer
Jonathan Correa : Booking Agent & Producer
Jeisson Moreno : 1st AD
Alejandra Laverde : Producer
Jonathan Correa : Booking Agent & Producer
Jeisson Moreno : 1st AD
Choreography by @mulahttaz